Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Post 14

My son has tactile problem. that's why he loves to touch and feel different textures. Occupational therapists suggest to allow him play with different textures like sand, flour, rice, lentil, powder ( we pour plenty of powder on a tray, then draw picture by finger), different textured fabrics etc. It helps to over come tactile problem. Children can walk on tactile Discs, different textured floor mats also.

Post 13

Some children like to touch different surface by their lips. Like window glass, shirt's cuff etc. That means they are trying to find new taste. Occupational therapists suggest to give them lolipop to lick, and some sweet and sour ketchup in a small bowl to eat by finger. It really works.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Post 12

“ Every child is special. Some children are very special. This blog is for their parents…”

This is the first Bengali blog for special children’s parents. Any parent, Doctor, Therapist, Psychologist, well wisher can contribute here. You can comment here or email me article on this topic. I will post your article on my blog in your name. Parents can share their child's problems here. Other parents can help them from their experience. In this way we can help each other. My intention is to aware and inform parents with special needs from my practical experience and knowledge. This blog is for a noble cause. Please help me to make this blog popular. Spread this blog name wherever Bengali people lives.

Post 11

Some pictures of my son's daily activities........

                                            Hand print. (good for kids who has tactile problem)

                                                    Rainbow color to improve eye contact.

                                                                  Threading Beads.  Good for concentration and fine motor skills

                       Feeling different texture fabrics.  (good for kids who has tactile problem)



                                                              Vestibular stimulation ball

                Learning different expression which will improve social and communication skills

                                                              Play dough id good for tactile problem


                                                                             Color chart

                                                                                Finger print


                                                Learning the concept of Tall - short, Big - Small.

                      Feeling different texture grains.  (good for kids who has tactile problem)


                                                           Flash card and Puzzle.

                                            Hand print and turn taking ( hand print with other kids)



                                                                   Dot joining

                                           Learning start and stop concept ( a part of road safety training)

                                                               Reading and pointing books

                                                               Wipe clean Dot joining book

                                                                Color within border line

                                                            Free hand water color with brush

                                                                        My work Board.

                                                Put on and off clips on peg. good exercise for fingers and fine motor skills

                                                                  White board and marker

                           Threading with shoe lace. Good for concentration and fine motor skills

                                                                           Wooden Puzzle.




Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Post 10

From this post I will write in English. Because I am not good in Bengali typing. It takes lots of time to type in Bengali. That's why I was not regular on my Blog. But I really want to share my experience with other parents.
Last night we had Bar B Q party on our roof top with family. My son was sooo happy to meet his unties, uncles and cousins. from morning I had put a picture of our family get together on his visual clock, so that he can get prepared to receive guests at home. But it made new problem to me. He was too eagar to meet his greater family that he could not wait till night. he made me crazy asking when guest will come. I think now he does not need to get prepared for any sweet small changes in his daily routine. Al hamdulillah he can accept little changes now. but for big changes like taking him to barber shop, I need to prepare him from few days ago. And he was very good there, Al hamdulillah.

He took a seat beside BBQ machine and keep waiting for chicken to ready.when his his tummy is full, he started running all over the roof. he was very happy then. he did not get scared seeing Fire works in sky with loud noise. He enjoyed loud music and dancing. But when guests was leaving he cried a lot to go with them. it was very difficult to to manage, because if he decide to do something it's almost impossible to divert his mind. if we become successful to divert his mind, after 1 or 2 hours he starts to cry for that. If  say my life is too difficult, then I have to add several o's after T.

Wish you a very happy New Year from me and my Son.